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What are the major goals and objectives of this project?


GOAL: The goal of the Indigenous Mutual Partnership to Advance Cybersecurity Technology (IMPACT) is to strengthen and expand science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)/cybersecurity education and research at three Tribal Colleges, thus preparing a highly-qualified next generation workforce and increasing the flow of American Indian/Alaska Native students into cybersecurity careers throughout the Department of Energy national Nuclear Security Enterprise (NSE) workforce to meet present and future security demands.


Each project year, IMPACT will strengthen and improve recruitment of under-represented minority students into the STEM/information technology (IT)/cybersecurity programs at three Tribal Colleges by:


(1.1) conducting interactive workshops and demonstrations led by each College surrounding schools to increase awareness of IT/cybersecurity as evidenced by the number of workshops held and the number of students participating. 100 served per year.


(1.2) utilizing TMCC’s experience to lead the three partners in developing and conducting two, five-day virtual cybersecurity summer camps held in Years 1-3 with 15 high school students in each camp as evidenced by the number of workshops/activities, numbers of students participating, and completion surveys. 30 students in Years 1-3 = 90 students served.


(1.3) hosting a cybersecurity/IT industry day at each TCU where a representative from the NSE (likely Kansas City National Security Campus) visits each campus to build relations with the students and demonstrate careers at NSE. 3 Industry Days per year x 5 years=15.


(1.4)  SCC worked to develop an interest in the local high schools by offering a 

Introduction to Cyber Security as a dual enrollment course for Spring Semester 2022; 11 local high school students enrolled and completed the course.  SCC will continue to offer this dual enrollment for future recruitment to the Cybersecurty program(s) at SCC and at TMCC.


By the end of Year Three, IMPACT will enhance cybersecurity education for students at the three Tribal Colleges by:


(2.1) developing a certificate in cybersecurity Stone Child College (SCC), 


(2.2) a two-year online cybersecurity degree program Sitting Bull College (SBC) and 


(2.3) a four-year cybersecurity degree program Turtle Mountain Community College (TMCC), all of which are grounded in innovative technology and hands-on-learning experiences as evidenced by the courses developed, degree programs developed, certifications earned, and numbers of students participating in the degree programs at each TCU.


By the end of Year Three, IMPACT will develop and implement:


(3.1) a tribal college Security Operation Center and 


(3.2) a corresponding eight-week Cybersecurity Summer Research Internship Experience that prepares students for research and workforce experience as they enhance their skills and increase their exposure to the tribal college/industry partner/NSE collaborative as evidenced by program records and numbers of students participating in its activities each year.


Each project year, IMPACT will advance students along the pathway by supporting students:


(4.1) participation in enterprise internships, 


(4.2) transition to a graduate degree program in cybersecurity or 


(4.3) attaining employment within a professional environment such as the NNSA enterprise workforce as evidenced by the numbers of students transitioning to a graduate degree program in cybersecurity, the number of students employed within the NNSA enterprise workforce, and the number of students employed within a professional environment.


(4.4) to recruit dual enrolled students to the Introduction to Cybersecurity course that will align with SCC’s associates program.

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